Monday, October 09, 2006

Read Anything Good Lately

I was at a workshop this morning and I read a wonderful book called - Read Anything Good Lately. It is a simple alphabet picture book trying to express that reading is more than print in a book. Reading is everywhere - at the back of a cereal box, the sale sign in a shopping mall, listening to noises in the night etc. Reading is visual, kinesthetic, and auditory. Reading is a rich experience.

The activity that followed was we had to create our own alphabet picture books. I will begin. Turn on your creativity and help me finish the alphabet!

Have you read anything good lately? Yes, I have. I have read:

A - Amaal for A shura in Arabia
B - Bell Canada Brochures in the Bath
C - Contest information on the Cornflakes Cereal Container
D - Doctor's Diagnosis on the the Door
E -

Lets keep in going guys. Notice the letters in bold print :)

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