Friday, February 16, 2007

The Trouble With Islam - according to some!

I am getting really tired of the images of muslim women shown on media - images of women fully clothed in dark colours, walking along dark, unhappy streets accompanied by - can you guess - dark, unhappy, scary music!

I am a muslim woman, who has visited various Muslim counties along my little travels, and have yet to see the the kind of women portrayed on TV. From my observations, there are women who wear the scarf (headpiece), others who wear an abba (robe-like dress) or a variation of it, and some prefer to wear the niqab (cover of their face with the exception of the eyes). But if you peer into our lives, you will see we are quite normal - and in no need for saving or freedom. My hijab liberates me in the same way that contact lenses liberates the optically challenged.

Anyway, I watched this clip on You Tube the other day. I know I wasnt an objective listener because I was angry before I even began listening to the guest speaker. So I waited a few days and listened to this clip again.

To view clip, click here

This time, more than angry, I was left confused. What is Irshad Manji's point? What does she want to reform with middle eastern women? Reform is only needed when something doesnt work - I am no expert but here are my thoughts. I am a Muslim woman, veiled "under a shroud of cloth", and I am happy! Imagine that - A content Muslim woman! A muslim woman who doesnt feel the need to be saved! What a blasphemous idea!

I did like one thing she said, "Muslims are going nowhere but forward"... I agree with her completely. I think Muslims are showing the world there is more to them to a terorist label!

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