Sunday, March 21, 2021

Shedding Skins.... Preparing for inspiration

It's 7:45pm and my second child is in her crib, self soothing (to uneducated ears, it sounds like crying but really, it is her grumbling saying, "Hey, please let me play for a little longer"). I like to put her down before the adhaan, because the loud, soothing call to prayer seems to lull her to sleep every night.  It also wakes her up every morning at 5:30am and prematurely from her afternoon nap (that's when I wish I had that bloody mute button but I have to accept, I can't control it all).

Anyway, I digress. It's 7:51pm.  The adhaan is over. My daughter is asleep. My other daughter is having dinner and I... well, I am supposed to be saying my prayers and I will be, right after I finish this post. Not that I don't value my prayer, or my routine. More that, I am ready to shed my old skin. I am ready to find my voice. I am ready to let inspiration touch me and I am ready to inspire.

Right after I say my prayers, answer my eldest daughter's questions, meet my friends for coffee, watch some Netflix and worry about my youngest daughter's nap schedule. Actually, CORRECTION - I'm not going to worry about her schedule. Actually, FURTHER CORRECTION - I'm not going to worry!

The old me would be worried about about not worried. The new me will probably be worried too, but the new me is going to react different to worry.  I'm going to thank it for coming. I'll entertain it for a few minutes (I mean, we are old friends). Then I am going to find a way to say goodbye. In a few weeks, I think worry will get the hint.  If not, I worry about it then.

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