Sunday, February 11, 2007

A Guiding Hand

Allah definately works in mysterious ways.

Last weekend, I went for a retreat. My intention for going for this retreat was "I am always up for a trip". I pretended that it was to continue my haj journey into my western lifestyle, but I knew as I know Allah does - that it was just that - pretending.

Little did I know that Allah may have had other plans for me. When I left on Sunday from the retreat, tears were flowing freely from my eyes ( and you all know that I am not a cryer). I felt something within me change.

I will go into further details about my retreat in my next blog.

Anyway, I made some resolutions as I was leaving - like praying with conviction, trying to learn to recite the Quran and not listening to music. All three are my big jihads.

When I got home today, I shrugged away my thoughts of practising my Yasin. I sat down infront of the TV and turned on my laptop. Allah wasnt going to let me get away so easily. I recieved an email from one of my dear cousin who directed me to his blog.

As I read his blog, I couldnt believe I was going on a journey similar to his. I pulled some inspiation from his writings.

Check this site (if you want to begin to rejuvinate your soul). It helped me. Thank You

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you find the blog useful. Indeed it is very easy to shrugg off doing things in the way of Allah (SWT) because other things are more watching TV or even doing nothing at all.

The thing you have to do is to try and build the love to do things in the way of Allah (SWT) - reading Quran may seem a chore initially because perhaps you do not understand it - but we as humans dont realise the benefits of reciting this divine revelation. Reciting Quran daily is like removing the rust from our hearts - makes us move from Darkness to Light.

We have to realise that these little gifts that Allah (SWT) has provided for us are indeed gems - and we need to make full use of them. They will help us in this world and in the hereafter!

I pray for you that you are able gain strength and continue to strive in the way of Allah (SWT)