Friday, December 15, 2006

Walking Toward Death

After a week of "Ehram" troubles, I finally brought home my white dress that I will wear during the three days of haj. While I was not completely satisfied with the quality and end product, I decided that I no longer wanted to think on the ehram subject any longer. I went downstairs, poured unscented detergent in the washer, threw my clothes in and waited for the cycle to finish.

That evening, after the clothes my washed and I showed Asif my freshly, cleaned ehram. Asif said to me - "So thats your kafan". Oh my..I thought. If only I put as much time into my life serving Allah, as i put into making my death shrouds. It is scary to come to some understanding that this might be the end.

As Asif and I approach our departure date for hajj, we would like to ask you all to forgive us if we have hurt you in any way. Please pray that our hajj is accepted and that we return home safely inshallah.

With Love....


Anonymous said...

Fatema, I pray that you and Asif have a safe journey there and back. Please remember us in your duas, especially in the plains of Arafat.

Anonymous said...

Fatema!! I've just discovered your blog and I love it! it's great because i read it in YOUR voice and what i imagine would be YOUR expression. i miss you! please have a safe and spiritually fulfilling trip. remember me in ur duas as much as you can and ask Asif to do the same. my salaams to him!
